
.NET Wrapper for Loop54 JSON V3 API

How to install

The Loop54 Connector is available for download as a NuGet package. For installation instructions, see https://www.nuget.org/packages/Loop54.Connector/.

Requires .NET Framework 4.5 or later alternatively .NET Standard 2.0 or later.

How to use

The Loop54 Connector is easily configured if running ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core.


Simply add the following code to the service configuration in your startup.cs file:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
// or services.AddLoop54(new Loop54Settings("https://helloworld.54proxy.com")); for more options

An ILoop54Client is then injectable to your middleware or controllers. See official ms docs for more information about how that works.

Multiple instances

If you are using multiple instances of the Loop54 engine within you application you instead need to do the following:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
    //Adding just the endpoint
    .Add("English", "https://helloworld-en.54proxy.com")
    //Adding a setting object
    .Add("Swedish", new Loop54Settings("https://helloworld-se.54proxy.com") 
        RequestTimeoutMs = 5000 

And then inject the ILoop54ClientProvider interface into your middleware or controllers. And obtain a specific instance using the GetNamed method with the same name as above:

ILoop54Client client = clientProvider.GetNamed("Swedish");


Call the following static method once in the beginning of you application life cycle. For example in the Application_Start method in the Global.asax.cs file:

// or Loop54ClientManager.StartUp(new Loop54Settings("https://helloworld.54proxy.com")); for more options

The ILoop54Client is then attainable with the following method:

ILoop54Client client = Loop54ClientManager.Client();

This ILoop54Client could of course be handled by a dependency injection system. Simply register the instance as a singleton in the framework of your choice.

Multiple instances

If you need to use multiple instances of the Loop54 engine, for example if requiring support for multiple languages, use the StartUp with the Loop54SettingsCollection option:

    //Adding just the endpoint
    .Add("English", "https://helloworld-en.54proxy.com")
    //Adding a setting object
    .Add("Swedish", new Loop54Settings("https://helloworld-se.54proxy.com") 
        RequestTimeoutMs = 5000 

The ILoop54Client for swedish is then attainable with the following method:

ILoop54Client client = Loop54ClientManager.Client("Swedish");

Using the ILoop54Client

The ILoop54Client contains methods for making all public API calls to the Loop54 e-commerce search engine. It contains both synchronous and asynchronous variants of all methods.

string searchQuery = "banana";
SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest(searchQuery);
SearchResponse response = await _loop54Client.SearchAsync(request);

To add parameters to the SearchRequest you could do this:

request.ResultsOptions.Skip = 0;
request.ResultsOptions.Take = 10;

All other request types also have their own types to use:

var createEventRequest = new CreateEventsRequest(event);
var autoCompleteRequest = new AutoCompleteRequest(query);
var getRelatedEntitiesRequest = new GetRelatedEntitiesRequest(entityType, entityId);
var getEntitiesRequest = new GetEntitiesRequest();
var getEntitiesByAttributeRequest = new GetEntitiesByAttributeRequest(attributeName, attributeValue);

But wait! I’m not using ASP.NET Core or ASP.NET!

There is still hope for you. If not using the above mentioned frameworks you can implement some of the functionality yourself and use the client just as well. You will need to implement the IRemoteClientInfoProvider interface and the IRemoteClientInfo interface and after doing that you can create a new instance of ILoop54Client like this:

IRemoteClientInfoProvider myRemoteClientInfoProvider = new MySuperAwesomeCustomRemoteClientInfoProvider();
Loop54Settings settings = new Loop54Settings("https://helloworld.54proxy.com");
ILoop54Client loop54Client = new Loop54Client(new RequestManager(settings), myRemoteClientInfoProvider);

And you are good to go!


  • Native support for search, autoComplete, createEvent, getEntities, getEntitiesByAttribute and getRelatedEntities call. With intuitive APIs to call them.
  • Handles user identification using random-generated cookies.
  • Uses X-Forwarded-For as client IP if it’s available.
  • Configurable HTTP timeout.
  • GZIP support.
  • Relays HTTP data to engine:
    • Referer
    • UserAgent
    • Library version